Victoria Friscioni

Registered Dietician

I am a Registered Dietitian, having graduated from Brescia University College. Throughout my academic career and internship, I have had a wide variety of experiences that have shaped how I view nutrition, the body and the relationship between the two.

I spent a lot of time in my internship in the clinical sphere (cancer & surgery), which has provided great insight into healthcare; however, it was very much focused on treatment versus prevention. I felt there was limited opportunity to make a lasting difference in my patients and found myself wanting to do more.

Ironically, while I was in school for nutrition, I was the least healthy I’ve ever been! I struggled with adult acne, digestive issues, and more. Meanwhile, I had to balance schoolwork, being on my own for the first time, cooking, commuting times, and social life; it wasn’t easy. I also found myself falling into fad diets, taking shortcuts and ignoring my body’s cues. Taking a look back today, my body was trying SO hard to tell me what was going on; here are a few examples of symptoms I experienced:

  • extremely cold all the time

  • diarrhea

  • chronic fatigue

  • missed periods

  • hair loss

  • brittle nails

  • adult cystic acne

PLUS, I was ignoring the objective FACTS that I had on hand:

  • eating a low-quality protein diet

  • eating empty calories and nutrient-void foods

  • not eating balanced meals

  • family history of Celiac disease and other autoimmune disease

  • low variety in my diet

  • not eating enough

Putting all of these pieces together once I began my Master’s program when things finally started to improve. At this time, I was working at a natural health foods and supplements store along with a private practice Dietitian and began taking a more holistic and functional look at what was going on with my body. Through learning how to do research, I started to dig deeper into the body’s built-in systems, human biology, and nutrient-disease interactions. Finally, I started to get a handle on my health and nutrition and, yes – digestion. Integrating my science background with a holistic mindset allowed me to dig deeper and get to where I am today. I was not only able to heal my gut health, support my thyroid and get rid of my adult acne, but I was also able to address the root cause concerns and transform my health through food.

I believe in a holistic approach to health through combining current research and traditional, cultural foodways that have served us for thousands of years. Combining the two is what I love to do!

My philosophy is rooted in understanding and educating people on innate, built-in systems that impact human health (digestion, gut health, blood sugar, hormones, etc.) and the critical role of nutrition. My goal is to provide you with practical, everyday tools that you can use to navigate the modern food environment, understand your body and reconnect with your health!

Some other fun facts about me:

I once was an extremely picky eater, but now I’ll eat pretty much anything (except blue cheese & oysters)

Chocolate & sea salt is my weakness. Not to mention coffee

I LOVE learning; send me any and all nutrition or lifestyle-related podcasts – nothing better for a long car ride!

Nutrition is highly individual, depending on your circumstances and needs. I would love to learn more about your goals and how we can work together to achieve them.

I hope to assist and uplift my clients through proper nourishment and leave them with lasting, practical everyday skills so they can thrive.